Can You Use CBD Along With Melatonin For Good Sleep?

CBD For Sleep
CBD For Sleep
CBD For Sleep
CBD For Sleep

Getting into your bed and not being able to sleep is one of the most irritating problems that you can encounter. The tiredness and frustration can easily stress you out and make the condition even worse. There are a lot of people all around the world who have to deal with this problem. According to a study conducted by the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Medicine, one in four Americans gets diagnosed with acute insomnia every year. Melatonin and CBD can assist you to get good sleep. First, let us look at how melatonin supplements help you to fall asleep.

About Melatonin And Melatonin Supplements

The hormone accountable for regulating your sleep-wake cycle is melatonin. Darkness triggers the production of melatonin and increased levels of melatonin in your bloodstream make you feel sleepy. Melatonin supplements are used to increase your melatonin levels artificially and this can make you fall asleep quicker. People use melatonin supplements for jet lag, insomnia, delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS), etc.

Most sleep medications come with some side effects. But melatonin supplements very rarely cause side effects. Another advantage of melatonin supplements is that they don’t cause any addiction. However, it is advised by experts to not use melatonin supplements for a long period.

CBD For Sleep

CBD is one of the most important cannabinoids in the hemp plant. It has many health benefits and helping to get good sleep is one among them. Many studies show that CBD can help reduce sleep disorders.

A neurotransmitter called serotonin, also known as the happy chemical, has the ability to improve your mood. CBD promotes the level of serotonin in your body system and hence provides you with a calm and relaxed mood. Reduced stress and anxiety levels help you to stay asleep.

CBD alone is effective for some people but most people with severe insomnia reported that using CBD alone was not effective for their sleep.

Taking CBD And Melatonin Together

Combining both CBD and melatonin can be useful for you to get good sleep. The major function of melatonin is to make you feel sleepy. This means that it helps you to fall asleep. Falling asleep and retaining your sleep are two different processes. Even if melatonin made you fall asleep, it doesn’t guarantee that you will stay asleep. This is where CBD can help you. CBD can help you to stay asleep. If you struggling with insomnia, you can try combining CBD and melatonin in their proper ratios and there is a high chance that it will help you.