Can CBD Oil Benefit Those Suffering From Dementia?

CBD Oil For Dementia
CBD Oil For Dementia
CBD Oil For Dementia
CBD Oil For Dementia

One of the naturally occurring substances in the Cannabis sativa plant, CBD is a cannabinoid. It does not cause the typical “high” sensation related to cannabis consumption. People with chronic diseases frequently utilize CBD, to reduce discomfort.

Using CBD Oil For Dementia

Despite its many advantages, there is no proof that CBD can actually slow the onset or progression of dementia. There haven’t been any significant clinical trials examining the drug’s impact on dementia patients. Studies have looked at the effectiveness of CBD and other cannabis-derived medications in treating the symptoms of dementia.

According to trusted source, those who received a CBD and THC mix improved in the following ways:

  • Less pain medication is required
  • Reduction in vomiting
  • Decreased shouting, agitation, and other neuropsychiatric symptoms

These findings do not, however, prove that CBD alone can have the same effects as the researchers only examined CBD and THC together, not separately. Using CBD alone to treat dementia symptoms has received very little investigation; however various clinical trials are now being conducted. About two-thirds of the participants in a small 2022 trial in Greece with 17 dementia patients reported behavioral and psychological improvements after using 3% CBD drops. Although the results were positive, the authors pointed out that they needed additional substantial research to support the conclusions.

Recent Research

CBD supporters assert that it can benefit dementia patients in two ways:

  • alleviating the symptoms of behavior and movement
  • halting the disease’s course and enhancing brain function and memory

While some evidence suggests that CBD may help with symptom relief, no studies have examined cognition or disease progression. Therefore, there is no basis for concluding that this is the case. Although there isn’t much information on CBD usage for dementia, as was already noted, fresh studies are still being conducted.

At Eastern Virginia Medical School, a clinical experiment is examining how CBD capsules affect numerous behavioral symptoms and quality of life measurements. By 2023, the study should be finished. The researchers are concentrating on:

  • Aggression and agitation changes
  • Variations in caregiver workload
  • Improvements in the quality of life of the participant and caregiver
  • Psychiatric signs and symptoms
  • Logical abilities
  • Sleep duration

Despite some promising studies, there are presently no CBD products that have been authorized for use in the treatment of dementia. Some businesses make exaggerated promises about the benefits of their goods for persons with dementia symptoms.