Surprising Solution To Sleeplessness

CBD For Concussion
CBD For Concussion
CBD And Anxiety
CBD And Anxiety

Historical texts that date back to 1500 B.C., talks about the use of a miraculous drug that has the potential to induce sleep. It is none other than cannabidiol, otherwise popularly known as CBD. The year 2018 dawned on the drug attaining a legal status; thanks to the Farm Bill which legalized the use of CBD in several states. This has led to scientists taking initiatives to find out more about the drug.

Does hemp oil make you sleepy is a question that circulates the CBD markets even today. Yet another situation that needs handling is the science behind CBD and anxiety. Does it work? If reading the introduction has spiked up your interest, then continue reading to find out more about the sleep-inducing property of CBD and how the drug helps treat insomnia.

Decreased Anxiety

Two of the most common causes of insomnia are stress and anxiety. The stress hormone called cortisol can be regulated with the use of CBD. This significantly impacts the non-REM sleep cycle. Furthermore, the age-old remedy of treating anxiety is CBD. Thus with the help of CBD, both the common causes of insomnia can be treated and a person can enjoy quality sleep.

Pain Killer

Acute or chronic pain can also be one of the reasons for sleeplessness. Pain relief is one of the most sought after medical benefits of CBD. Thus, CBD helps decrease the sleeplessness that is induced by acute or chronic pains. Furthermore, CBD doesn’t have a sedative effect on the person who uses it and due to this reason its popularity is increasing when compared to the chemical-based pain killers available in the market.

Muscle Relaxation

Soreness associated with excessively worked out muscles can be healed with the use of CBD. In patients with hyper-mobility and tremors symptoms in the case of Parkinson’s disease, CBD has proven to be extremely beneficial. Therefore, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s patients complaining of insomnia are prescribed with CBD to induce good sleep.

Nightmare Elimination

Nightmare negatively influences the overall sleeping pattern of people. Those suffering from RBD (REM sleep behavior disorder) often complain about nightmares and restlessness. Patients of RBD are often administered with CBD and have found relief.

PTSD Relief

PTSD or post-traumatic sleep disorders can also result in sleeplessness. With the help of CBD, the anxiety related to PTSD can be relieved and sleep can be induced. It can also be used to correct the REM cycles.