Some CBD Hemp Flower Strains For Sleeping Disorders

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Cannabidiol derived from the hemp plant is popular nowadays among customers due to its many benefits. It is used for mitigating symptoms of ailments like pain, inflammation, healing minor wounds, reducing anxiety and stress and many more. Besides, it is also a good sleeping aid that helps in treating sleeping disorders like insomnia. People are opting it over pharmaceuticals due to its lack of side effects and calming effect. These products for aiding in sleep are produced from the cannabidiol rich full-spectrum hemp flower extract. Shared below are some strains of CBD hemp flowers, read on to know more.

Charlotte’s Web

This is the most popular strain from which full-spectrum hemp flower extract for sleeping disorders is obtained and it has 15 to 20 percent of CBD concentration. It has been named after the girl Charlotte Figi, whose parents used this specially cultivated strain to treat her Dravet syndrome. They were successful in treating her condition and ever since it has been a very popular strain. It is one of the most potent CBD hemp flowers available in the market suitable for both night time and daytime use.


Harlequin is a CBD rich strain of hemp flower that is dominant on the sativa side. What differentiates it is the smell of the flower buds that is divine and the high cannabidiol content makes it ideal for treating sleeping disorders.


For those who need improved sleep quality, cannatonic strain CBD hemp flower would be an ideal choice as it is one of the very first CBD dominant hemp plants. It is a hybrid strain that is 50 percent sativa and 50 percent indica, with cannabidiol content up to 17%. It makes you relaxed and stress free, this is important as they are some of the major reasons lowering sleep quality.

CBD Shark

CBD shark is an indica dominant strain of hemp CBD flower and it has 1:1 ratio of THC CBD. As a result, it has good analgesic properties along with sleep inducing effect of CBD.


ACDC strain of hemp flowers has very low THC content, but a very high concentration of CBD and the THC CBD ratio is 1:6. In perfectly harvested flowers the CBD concentration can be up to 20% and because of the extremely low THC levels it has no psychotropic effects but is good with inducing sleep. It is a hybrid strain of 50% indica and 50% sativa that is aimed especially at connoisseurs. Because of all these reasons, it is very much loved by cannabidiol users and is very high in demand.

These are some of the more popular CBD hemp flowers from which full-spectrum hemp flower extract are made for sleeping disorders.